The Vice President of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, Honorable Justice Gberi-be Ouattara is leading a delegation of the Court to the Republic of Niger on a five –day sensitization campaign in Niamey designed as part of the Court’s engagement with Community citizens.

Justice Ouattara said that through the mission, the Court intends to bring the community institution closer to the citizens who have an important role to play in the integration process.

The objective of the mission, which is part of a broad communication campaign of the Court, is to use the platform of the media to sensitize a large section of the population about the mission, competences and activities of the Court.

During the campaign, the delegation will engage with the media, mainly through live radio and television programmes as well as hold a press conference on the competence, access and jurisprudence.

The activities are expected to be attended by senior officials of the Republic of Niger, including the Minister of Communication.

The delegation is also expected to pay courtesy visits to His Excellency the President of the Republic of Niger, current Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS. They will also pay courtesy calls on officials of the judiciary and university, notably the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, African Integration and Nigeriens in the Diaspora, the Minister of Justice, and the President of the Court of Cassation of Niger.

They will also visit the President of the Bar Association and the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Abdou Moumouni Dioffo of Niamey.

The seven-member delegation include senior officials of the Court, namely Mr Athanase Atannon, Deputy Chief Registrar, Mr. Me Kouassi Fernand, Executive Assistant of the Vice-President, Mr. Moussa Kochi, Research Officer, Kuakuvi Anani, Senior recorder and M. Felicien Hounkanrin, Information Officer.