GRADE     G4/G5/G6
    ANNUAL SALARY   (UA 20,166.30 USD 31,818.39)/ (UA 25,527.53 USD 40,277.34)/ (UA 30,178.98 USD 47,616.39)

Applications should be sent to:


The Audio-visual (AV) Assistant focusses on the effective, high-quality operation of the audio-visual systems and technology.  The person will have responsibility for advising on AV equipment, their maintenance and troubleshooting.


  • Transporting, setting up, and installing media equipment and audiovisual support tools, including speakers, monitors, cameras, and equipment racks.
  • Running tests on videos, audio, and signals and troubleshooting problems that may arise.
  • Meeting standards by handling equipment and executing a flawless event.
  • Preparing and positioning audio, video and lighting equipment for broadcasts and recordings.
  • Edit and package audio visual productions for the Court;
  • Manage social media aspect of the Court’s visibility
  • Connecting, tuning, and configuring AV setups to ensure high-quality recording
  • Operating software to control AV technologies
  • Finding effective means to store and transport AV equipment as and when it is needed
  • Monitoring live feeds to ensure quality if needed
  • Disassembling equipment, wiring, and support tools in a safe manner.
  • Inventory management of equipment, wiring, and accessories.
  • Ensuring the cleaning, maintenance, or repairs of audiovisual equipment.

Developing good relationships with required staff (IT, Maintenance Unit) to keep production moving and to help out production or event coordinators



  • A minimum of a National diploma or equivalent with proven competence in audio-visual production, video production, and multimedia operations.


  • Technical understanding of AV and IT systems
  • Up-to-date awareness of AV technologies and their features
  • Expertise in video conferencing and broadcast systems
  • Extensive knowledge of the architectural, cabling, and control system requirements of AV technologies.
  • Interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Strong technical and troubleshooting skills.


  • Be below 50 years old. This provision does not apply to internal candidates.


  • ability to engage in positive approaches to team work, participate actively in discussions and the achievement of team goals;
  • ability to take responsibility for own career and performance with the occasional guidance from the supervisor/mentor;
  • Ability to build capacity of self and others by sharing knowledge, tools, expertise and experience with others to remain proficient and well informed in the execution of assigned role.
  • well-developed interpersonal, listening and multitasking skills with a good understanding of client service responsibilities and role in representing ECOWAS values in all interactions;
  • ability to take initiative to resolve routine problems associated with assigned tasks using good judgment in involving colleagues or superiors as required;
  • ability to work as part of a team with the ability to explain client interactions to resolve concerns, problems and improve services;
  • ability to manage own time effectively and organize own work area in a manner that will meet performance expectations related to assigned client services;
  • Ability to direct people to the appropriate source for further information and ask for help when overwhelmed with client demands.
  • ability to apply culturally-relevant and appropriate approaches with people from diverse cultural backgrounds;
  • good diversity management skills to interact with individuals in a manner that is culturally appropriate and in accordance with ECOWAS rules/policies;
  • Good knowledge of diversity management as it relates to daily work expectations and assigned tasks.
  • good knowledge of the ECOWAS mandate and operational goals of relevance to assigned responsibilities;
  • ability to keep up-to-date with Departmental activities, schedules and goals of pertinence to own work team, functional area;
  • excellent knowledge of ECOWAS procedures relevant to assigned work and the ability to apply sound judgment in their application;
  • Demonstrated strong interest and commitment to ECOWAS values and activities in daily assumption of duties.
  • excellent ability to maintain, process and provide accurate information as part of assigned tasks;
  • ability to organize files and information for easy retrieval and record keeping;
  • ability to spot mistakes, act promptly to correct them and learn from experiences;
  • knowledge and ability to challenge and question fundamental assumptions regarding accepted ways of doing things in the spirit of improvement
  • excellent ability to use current technology to communicate effectively e.g. office software programs, including spreadsheets, word processing and graphic presentation software; ability to type and format presentations, reports, manuals, newsletters, website content;
  • well-developed information sharing skills using technology and in accordance in established processes and practices;
  • Advanced verbal assertiveness and communication skills with a demonstrated ability to acknowledge and understand the validity of others’ viewpoints and to respond in a constructive manner;
  • proficiency in information communication technologies(ICT);
  • Fluency in oral and written expressions in one of the ECOWAS official languages of the Community (English, French & Portuguese). Knowledge of an additional one will be an added advantage.
  • ability to allocate time for specific task in a manner that will meet deadlines and quality/quantity expectations
  • good organizational skills with an excellent ability to break down work into smaller parts and focusing on the most important steps first;
  • with appropriate guidance, ability to contribute to maintaining organizational performance standards throughout implementation of new processes, practices and plans adopted by the Department and of relevance to assigned tasks;
  • ability to monitor progress and to consider new goals in the context of assigned responsibilities;
  • Ability to follow through with commitments made to others.